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  • април 23, 2024 4 min read

    Discussing The Truth About Sensitive Lash Glue

    You may have heard all about ‘Sensitive Lash Glue’ and perhaps potential clients who have allergic reactions to lash extensions (more-so the glue fumes themselves) have asked if you would perform a lash extensions set using sensitive glue. We’re here to dispel the myths and issues which come with so-called sensitive eyelash glue and why it’s not all that it seems. Even though marketed for clients who have sensitivities, this glue can cause further irritation, issues, and allergic reactions. Here’s all you need to know!

    GIF Dipping Into Lash GlueLash Glue

    Regular Eyelash Glue is what is actually responsible for allergic reactions. Getting lash extensions means exposure to the ingredients and fumes which the adhesives emit. A reaction to lash extensions glue is accumulative, which means that the more someone is exposed to the ingredients, the higher the risk for a reaction. An allergic reaction is not a 100% guarantee for every client, it just so happens that some more than others will react as their bodies are exposed to these chemicals. Read more about allergic reactions to getting eyelash extensions here.

    The ingredient which causes allergic reactions is ‘cyanoacrylate’. Cyanoacrylate is present in all eyelash glues, including ‘Sensitive Lash Glue’. That’s right, even with its marketing tag-line of it being a safe glue for clients with sensitivities, the glue itself will have cyanoacrylate in its ingredients. So why is cyanoacrylate needed? Well, to put it simply, this is the ingredient which helps glue cure, it’s needed to create a bond, without it, glues simply won’t work.

    Sensitive Lash Glue

    By now you may be wondering how sensitive glue works if it still has cyanoacrylate in its ingredients list. Basically, this type of eyelash adhesive has much lower quantities of cyanoacrylate in its ingredients, meaning that the glue will still dry and form a bond, but it will take longer to do so. This is exactly where the issues begin. Not only is the bond weak as the cyanoacrylate components are very low, but in taking longer to cure, the fumes are present around the eyes for longer. 

    So why does the time matter? Glue typically dries anywhere from 0.5 - 2 seconds depending on the type you purchase. Faster glue speeds up the application process for Lash Technicians who are able to apply lashes at faster speeds, and also results in  less exposure to fumes, even though they are ultimately more concentrated. With sensitive lash glue, you need to hold the lash extension in place for longer so as to make sure it dries in the correct position, and it also makes it more difficult to avoid stickies which can cause damage to the natural lashes. The longer glue takes to dry, the longer your appointments take and the longer your client will be exposed to glue fumes, regardless of the quantities of cyanoacrylate in it.

    Unfortunately, for those who are allergic to lash glue (cyanoacrylate), regardless of how much cyanoacrylate is present—an abundance to make sure the glue dries fast or minimal amounts which are marketed for those who are sensitive—this type of client will experience an allergic reaction time and again once they have experienced a reaction once, and it will get worse and worse with each subsequent reaction. Dropping down to a slower drying glue might minimise or prevent a reaction once or twice, but it will soon come back.

    London Lash Lady Bond Slower Drying Lash GlueShould You Avoid Sensitive Lash Glue?

    The short answer is, yes. Regardless of the client’s wishes, if they’ve had an allergic reaction before, sensitive glue will not prevent them from experiencing an allergic reaction again. An added issue is that this type of glue is super slow drying, meaning that if you’re used to your fast-drying glue you’ll be having to wait for each extension to dry longer. Overall, sensitive eyelash glue would be a poor investment for your business and you may find yourself throwing away this glue after not using it up. 

    If you have a client who wants eyelash extensions but they’re allergic to glue, you will unfortunately have to turn them away for their own safety. Read more about when to say ‘No’ to clients in this blog post

    If your client isn’t allergic, but does tend to get red eyes after a set of lashes, it might be worth investing in these products. A Glamcor Flow will help you to blow any air and fumes away from your workstation and in turn from you and your client too. Having a Jade Stone or Agate Stone is a great way to keep glue fumes further away from yours and your clients’ airways whilst controlling the temperature and humidity around them. Last but not least, London Lash Superbonder Sealant is an innovative product which cures glue instantly and seals in all fumes, helping to reduce any further exposure after you have completed your lash set. Read all about Superbonder in our dedicated blog post.

    Superbonder Sealant for Lash Extensions and Lash GlueAll in all, Sensitive Lash Glue could mean a poor investment for your business, and unfortunately will not help clients avoid allergic reactions if they’re already prone to them. In the past, London Lash has tested out these sensitive glues and sadly, we found that they do not work, and resulted in poor application and retention, so trust us… save money, time and the hassle of having to work with imperfect eyelash glue!