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  • So Henna

  • декември 16, 2022 3 min read


    Being adaptable as a Lash Artist is one of the job's requirements. You may encounter ever changing situations and problem solving will become like second nature. Where that is changing your lash glue due to the summer heat, you can read the blog on Working With Glue in the Summer here, or you decide it will be quicker to use Mayfair Premade Fans rather than making lash fans by hand, we have compiled a list of situations that you may find yourself needing to use premade lash fans as your best choice solution.

    When to Use Premade Lash Fans

    Every Lash Tech has been there - a client is a little late to their appointment and hasn't given you enough time to get their lashes finished on time before your next client. There used to be a time in the lash extensions world where full coverage was not possible if a client ran late, or you'd need to opt for a hybrid lash set to save time but also keep your client happy. Well, times have changed, with our bold and stunning premade fans, you can reduce treatment times considerably, especially for those clients who are a little late. Having an alternative to creating handmade fans is always a benefit, especially in those situations.

    London Lash Mayfair Premade Fans Strip for Lash Extensions

    If your client was late, before premade fans you would tend to cut corners here or there to make sure you're running on schedule. Unfortunately avoiding Pretreatment routines and checking for stickies were the choice for Lash Techs who had no other choice. With premade fans Lash Technicians can breathe a little and not rush as much, as they wont need to create fans by hand, they can spend a little time to perform a full pretreatment for clients and their eyelashes and even have enough time to check for stickies after the lash procedure. 

    Why You Should Use Premade Fans

    When it comes to regular client infills to keep your client's lashes fresh and looking full every couple of weeks, every Lash Artist has been in the situation where a client comes in with only a couple of lashes left on. Not only is an infill shorter than a full set but as a business you are charging less per infill than you would completing a full lash set. While clients want to leave with the same volume lashes they initially received, it's not always possible to achieve the same amount in the time of an infill appointment. We always advise Lash Techs to explain the different treatments to clients and for them to book the correct type, but in a situation where a client has made a genuine mistake and you let it slide, using Premade fans can cover more lashes than you would making the fans by hand. It will take you less time and cover more of the missing lashes. 

    On the other hand, you may have a client who has an abundance of natural lashes. When performing a full lash set on clients with a lot more natural lashes it than your usual clientele it make seem a little daunting. Here you would not aim for 100% coverage, around 80% is ideal as you wouldn't want to overwhelm the lash look. Premade fans cut down the time you'd spend lashing every single lash on clients with plenty of lashes so you can focus on attaching as many lashes as possible in your allotted schedule. London Lash Eyelash Extensions Set using Premade Mayfair Fans

    In conclusion. We'd say that Premade Fans are an amazing idea in terms of reducing overall treatment time and increasing revenue, giving your the flexibility to provide a full service to clients who may have created an otherwise difficult situation. Premade fans will give perfect coverage and prolong retention with the comfort of knowing the high quality of the product wont let you down.